Friday, December 4, 2009

Best Poetry Books of 2009 - Peg Duthie

Peg Duthie's selections:

Light, Moving by Carolyn Miller (Sixteen Rivers Press)
Some natterings on why I liked it here. (In a nutshell: poems infused with both heartache and gratitude.)

Quantum Lyrics by A. Van Jordan (Norton; the hardcover came out two years ago, but the paperback only this year).
I can't quote from it at the moment, because I mailed my copy to a friend (one who is, among many things, a civil rights activist with a math-enamored son) with a "YOU HAVE TO READ THIS" note, but this conversation with Anna Clark provides an overview of his interests and range.

The Doors of the Body by Mary Alexandra Agner (Mayapple Press).
Mary's a personal friend, so I'm pleased to see this collection garnering rave reviews (and nominated for a Pushcart, too!). It's beautifully produced, and if my fairy godmother felt like stopping by the North Pole for a while, I'd ask her to sneak a copy of this chapbook in with every Barbie he plans to deliver.

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Peg Duthie's lyrics and stories have appeared at 7x20, qarrtsiluni, and elsewhere, and a quartet of holiday poems went live The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature on December 2.

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